The hotel Aurora in Bormio Italy - 3 Stars

The hotel Aurora in Bormio

Information about the hotel

The hotel Aurora is located in the immediate vicinity of the historical centre and the ski-lift facilities.

The hotel is run directly by the Antonioli family and offers a peaceful and cosy family environment. All rooms are equipped with all sorts of comforts, including telephone and TV.

Check availability:

Servicies & facilities:

  • restaurant
  • bar
  • telephone in room
  • tv in the room
  • vegetarian menu
  • small animals
  • shuttle

How to get to hotel

How to get to the hotel
The hotel is located in Via Coltura 20 in the town of Bormio .
Follow: Via Milano ) Via Don Peccedi ) Via Funivie ) Via Vallecetta ) Via Coltura ) n.20


telephone number: +39 0342 910052
fax number: +39 0342 903196

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